September 24, 2009


The longest haul yet. Back up though Italy (where we all buy bottles of balsamic vinegar at the services - as you do) and on into Austria over the Brennen pass. We stop in Austria for a spot of schnitzel and a water top up for the car. Snowboard Mic fills up our petrol tank at the services where we add a rather charming plastic metallic cuckoo clock to the sticker collection on the lid of the boot.

It's a long, long drive, Day 6, and Robbit does it all on his own. From Austria it's into Germany; around Stuttgart and up to the town of Walldorf where quite appropriately, and with much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth we bid Waldorf and Stadler a fond adieu. Then it's on to Hockenheim where we book into a hotel for the night. Here we are joined by Herr Zang (grosse), Herr Zang (kleine) and an acoustic guitar. With Bolt major on the spoons we have ourselves a 'raasorkes'. Much Bitburger is consumed but we are all now looking a little road weary. Tomorrow is an easy day.

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